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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

San Bruno AYSO Region 249

General AYSO Questions

What is AYSO?

The American Youth Soccer Organization’s mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs where everyone builds positive character through participation in a fun, fair, safe, family environment based on the AYSO philosophies, which are:

  • Everyone Plays - Our Region's goal is for kids to play soccer - we mandate that every player on every team must play at least half of every game.
  • Balanced Teams - Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possible - because it is fair and more fun when teams of equal ability play.
  • Positive Coaching - We train and encourage our coaches to make the extra effort to understand and offer positive help to our players, rather than negative criticism.
  • Open Registration - Our program is open to all children between 4 and 18 years of age who want to register and play soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing.
  • Good Sportsmanship - We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.
  • Player Development - We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game.
AYSO relies on parents to volunteer as coaches, referees, board members, and various other positions. Please consider being a volunteer so that our children will be able to learn and play the game of soccer and so that our program will continue to thrive.


How do I register my child?

Families must first register their child at  All new players/families will have to create an account by clicking the "Register Now" button.  Returning players can login using their previous login and password. If you have forgotten either, on the login in screen you can request to reset both via email.  All players will need to register in Sports Connect. Registration is completed on a first-come, first-served basis so we encourage you to register early before divisions are full. 14U to 19U players will be placed on a waitlist to ensure we have enough players and coaches. You will be notified of the waitlist status by June 1st.


When will we be notified if my child that registered late, has been accepted on a team?

Late registrants for divisions which have not reached their capacity are placed on teams soon after receipt of the registration form. If you do not promptly hear back, the division is probably full and your child will remain on the waiting list, until another team can be formed.

Every attempt is made to allow all players to play. The total number of teams in each division is determined based on the number of trained coaches available and the number of players registered during the open registration period. Except for children of coaches and referees who complete their training on time, all players are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. If we have enough trained coaches and referees, however, your child will be placed on a team.

If your wait-listed child can be placed on a team, you are most likely to receive a call by the second week in August. If mid-August comes and you haven’t heard any news, you can email the registrar at [email protected] for an update.

I cannot afford to pay the registration fees. What do I do?

San Bruno AYSO endeavors to provide a quality soccer experience for all eligible players. San Bruno AYSO families who are unable to afford the registration expenses, must complete an "AYSO Scholarship Request" and have it signed by our Regional Commissioner. To request a scholarship application, please send an email to [email protected] and to [email protected]

My child doesn’t want to play anymore. Are refunds available?

If a player cannot be placed on a team, due to a lack of available coaches, other volunteers or resources, as determined by AYSO Region 249, a full refund minus the AYSO National Fee of $25.00 will be issued. For all other cases, please note the following limitations and conditions:

Limitations and Conditions:

Fall Season Registration Fees:

Refund requests received before July 15: A full refund will be issued, minus the $25.00 AYSO National annual dues, and minus the $2.75 Sports Connect transaction fee.  If you switch to another city or region, you don't have to pay an additional $25.00 AYSO National Fee until the next season.

• Refund requests received July 15th through August 19th the registration fee will be refunded, subject to a deduction of $50.
• Refund requests received August 20th – September 1st the registration fee will be refunded, subject to a deduction of $65.
• If the player withdraws after September 2nd, no refund will be issued.

Refund checks will not be issued until after September 2nd. Please allow at least 3 weeks for processing of refund requests.

All refund requests must be made in writing to:

San Bruno AYSO Region 249
PO Box 581
San Bruno, California 94066


Emailed to: [email protected]

All requests must include player’s name, AYSO ID, division and team #, parents name and address, and a reason for the refund request.

I have moved. How do I transfer my child to the new region?

Every region in AYSO conducts its own registration for the upcoming season. Transfers are not possible, however refunds are. See the refund guidelines for more information.

What other soccer expenses can I anticipate this year?

The registration covers all players’ expenses, including uniforms, the basic picture package, and supplemental accident insurance for AYSO-sponsored activities. Not included are the required shin guards, soccer cleats, and a strongly recommended practice ball. Typically, the team parents will request a small amount to cover the expenses of a team banner, and possibly a gift for the coach. Additionally, parents are often requested to bring snacks for the team to one game during the season.

What if I have other registration questions?

If you have other questions, email us at [email protected].

Team-Building Questions

Will I be on the same team as my brother/sister?

Requests for brothers and sisters to be on the same team will be honored whenever possible. Often, however, a parent may decide that it is not a good idea for their children to play together, which will also be honored whenever possible. These requests must be noted on each player’s registration form.

Can I request that my daughter/son be on the same team with friends?

We cannot accommodate all friend requests for logistical reasons; there are too many teams, players, and coaches to make this practical. Additionally, we need to ensure that teams are evenly balanced. However, one of the perks of coaching in AYSO is that the coach and assistant coach can have their children on the same team. For our 6U and 8U divisions we can try to process friend requests for teams, however we cannot always accommodate, especially after teams have been formed.

How can I request to be placed on a team which will not practice on a certain day due to a potential conflict with another activity?

Practices can be any day of the week, Monday through Friday, depending on a coach’s schedule. There is no way to assign players to coaches based on practice day preferences.

I am a single parent and cannot drive to practices. Therefore, I need my child to be on their friend’s team so that their mother can take my child to practice. What can I do?

Attach a note to your registration form describing your needs and circumstances. The regional registrar, when developing the teams, may be able to accommodate your request. Please note that the registrar considers many factors in the development of a team and may not be able to honor your request. (If the player is in the 10U and older divisions, balancing of the teams is important and special requests may be more difficult to honor.)

My child can’t make it to practices on the days the coach has chosen. What can I do?

If the problem is transportation, just speak to the coach or team parent. Someone will likely be available and willing to give your child a ride. If there are other activities (such as lessons of some kind), maybe it would be possible to adjust that schedule during soccer season. Please try to make it to practice. Your child is involved in a team sport. The team cannot learn to work together if there are players who consistently miss practices.

Division and Season Questions

What division does my child play in? What does 6U or 8U mean?

There are 9 division designations in San Bruno AYSO:


Players age as of 12/31


4 year-olds/Schoolyard


5 year-olds


6 and 7 year-olds


8 and 9 year-olds


10 and 11 year-olds


12 and 13 year-olds


14 and 15 year-olds


16, 17, and 18 year-olds


Age is determined by the player’s age as of December 31st. For example, the division designation 10U literally means that the player was under 10 on December 31st at the end of the Membership Year. For example, for MY20203 which runs from 1/1/20230 to 12/31/20203, if a child turns 8 on 11/2/20203, then he/she would play in the 10U division. If a child turns 9 on 2/14/20203, then he/she would also play in the 10U division.

How long is the season, how long are the games and how many games will my child play?

It is easiest to answer this question by division:

5U (4 year-olds): This age division meets Monday evenings beginning in mid-August.

6U (5 year-olds):  This age division has games each Saturday, beginning on Opening Day, which is always the Saturday following Labor Day. At this age, you may or may not have practice each week. Games are held at Crestmoor Field. They usually play at least 8 games.

8U (6 & 7 year-olds): Practices are usually held once a week in this division and begin in mid-August. The first game occurs on Opening Day, which is always the first Saturday following Labor Day.  All games are held at Crestmoor Field. They usually play at least 8 games.

10U (8 and 9 year-olds): Practices are held once or twice per week in this division and begin in mid-August. The first game occurs on Opening Day, which is always the first Saturday following Labor Day. All 10U children will play at least 8 regular season games where the win/loss record is kept. Following the regular season games, a San Bruno Cup Tournament will occur for those teams that have at least one qualified referee*. Each 10U team is required to have at least one qualified referee* that completes at least four games as a referee or assistant referee during the regular season in order to participate in the San Bruno Cup Tournament. The top boys and girls teams that have a qualified referee* and win the San Bruno Cup Tournament, will advance to the Area Tournament, which is usually the first weekend in December. Most games are held at Crestmoor Field. A few games may be played in Brisbane. Games for 10U are 50 minutes in length.

*A qualified referee has at least AYSO Regional Referee Certification.

12U (10 & 11 year olds): This division participates in Area play and is a traveling team. Although there will be games in San Bruno, half of the schedule may require your player to travel to a neighboring city such as Daly City, Brisbane, Pacifica, and Millbrae. Practices are held once or twice a week in this division and begin in mid-August. The first game occurs on Opening Day, which is always the first Saturday following Labor Day.  All 12U children will play at least 8 regular season games where the win/loss record is kept. Each team is expected to have one qualified referee* that completes at least four games as a referee or assistant referee. Following the regular season games, for the top teams, playoffs will occur. The top boys and girls team from the Region will then move onto the Area tournament, which is usually the first weekend in December. Games for 12U are 60 minutes in length.

*A qualified referee has at least AYSO Regional Referee Certification.

14U (12 & 13 year olds):This division participates in Area play and is a traveling team. Although there will be games in San Bruno, half of the schedule may require your player to travel to a neighboring city such as Daly City, Brisbane, Pacifica, and Millbrae. Practices are held once or twice a week in this division and begin in mid-August. The first game occurs on Opening Day, which is always the first Saturday following Labor Day.  All 14U children will play at least 8 regular season games where the win/loss record is kept. Following the regular season games, for the top teams, playoffs will occur. The top boys and girls team from the Region will then move onto the Area tournament, which is usually the first weekend in December. Games for 14U are 70 minutes in length.

16U (14 & 15 year olds) and 18U (16 &17 year olds): This division participates in Area play and is a traveling team. Although there will be games in San Bruno, half of the schedule may require your player to travel to a neighboring city anywhere from Brisbane to Redwood City to Half Moon Bay. Practices begin the first week in August with the first games being played by the third week in August. Teams generally practice two times a week. Games can occur anytime Monday through Sunday. Usually there is one game per week, but occasionally there can be two. The regular season may run eight to ten games. Games for 16U players are 80 minutes in length.


What do I do if it’s raining on game day?

Just because it is wet outside, don’t assume that the games will be canceled. Kids are waterproof and have been known to play soccer in the rain. On rainy days, the fields will be checked for playability. If it is determined that we should stay off the field, you should receive an email from your team parent or coach. You can also check this website.

Player Based Questions

Why can’t my child wear earrings? We can't take them out or the holes will close.

Safety on the field is the first responsibility of every coach, referee, and all other AYSO officials. Players may not wear any earrings, bracelets, watches, barrettes, or any other object that could possibly cause injury to him/herself or another player. Pierced earrings will not be allowed, and covering them with tape is not an acceptable solution. NO EXCEPTIONS! If your child is considering a new ear piercing, please encourage them to defer the piercing until after the soccer season. (Also, please note that experience has proven that a freshly pierced ear will not close during the length of a game.)

What sort of hair clips can my child wear?

Metal and plastic hair clips are not allowed on the field for practice or during games. Players with long hair may wish to wear soft hair ties such as “scrunchies”. The referee shall decide if an article of clothing is unsafe.

How are injuries handled during a match?

The referee shall decide when to stop play to take care of an injury. At the younger ages (6U and 8U) the referees are encouraged to stop play immediately. Older players may “bounce back” from a minor fall. If a serious injury occurs, the referee will stop play as soon as he/she is aware of the injury.

A player that is bleeding shall not participate in the match until the bleeding has stopped and any blood on his/her clothing is covered or removed. (New parents please note that this seldom occurs.)

The doctor said that my son can play with his arm splint. Why can’t he play?

While the doctor may be representing your son’s interest appropriately, the risk to other players mandates that the splinted player limit his participation to that of moral support on the sidelines. Players may not wear casts or splints that could possibly cause injury to him/herself or another player. NO EXCEPTIONS! This rule applies to practices as well as games.

What about eyeglasses and hearing aids?

Prescription glasses, hearing aids and medical alerts bracelets may be worn to practices and games. The use of a strap to hold your eyeglasses and/or specialized eyeglasses for sport are recommended. The referee may request the medical alerts be taped down but NOT completely covered.

Is there a specific shoe requirement to play soccer? In other words, do our children have to wear cleats?

Players do not have to wear cleats to play. Athletic shoes are fine, especially for younger players. Cleats can, however, help the more aggressive older players with their footing on the sometimes slippery grass. For older divisions a referee may recommend cleats as a safety issue. If you buy cleats for your child, be sure to purchase soccer cleats. (Soccer cleats do not have a toe cleat.) If your child already owns cleats designed for another sport, that you wish them to utilize for soccer, please note that the toe cleat must be cut off to permit the shoe’s use on the soccer field.

Referee, Coach and Volunteer Questions

How much do the board members, coaches and referees get paid?

We are an all volunteer organization. We do not receive any monetary incentives for being a board member, a coach or a referee. Working with children and seeing them develop and have fun is our reward.

What should I do if I’m having problems with the coach?

If a serious problem should arise concerning the coach, the parents should:

• Talk with the coach in a calm manner. Try to work out the problems like adults, away from the players. (A conversation outside the practice or game field is preferable.)

• If no solution can be reached during this conversation, the parents should contact the Division Coordinator.

• If the problem should persist, set up a meeting with the Coach Administrator, Division Coordinator and Coach.

I have some comments about the refereeing of my child’s game.

The referee administrators are your point of contact regarding referee issues, and are available to discuss any of your concerns. Please remember that the referees, like all other officials in AYSO, are volunteers who have dedicated a large amount of time and energy in training and refereeing every week. Your child’s game may be the referee’s third or fourth game of the day.

What do the referee badges mean?

Soccer referees in every league come to the game with differing degrees of training and experience. The badges represent the level of training the referee has accomplished. Ask a referee what his/her badge represents.

What should I do if a referee makes a terrible call?

As upsetting as it may be, the best course is to try to forget about the mistake and get back into the game. The referees are human, so they will make mistakes just like everyone else. Put yourself in their shoes and think how you would like people to respond if you made a mistake. Also, please keep in mind that the referee is on the field and is seeing the game from a completely different location than you, and that his interpretations and application of the laws of the game may differ from yours.

You can also Contact the Regional Referee Administrator and find out when the next referee class is. Then come to the class and become a certified referee. We need people that know the game and can make the calls as they see them. What you cannot do is harass the referee no matter how poorly you think he/she is performing. Their poor performance may be the result of a lack of understanding of the laws of the game on your part. Volunteers willing to referee games are difficult to come by.

I have never played soccer and I don’t know anything about soccer. Can I still become a coach or a referee?

You sure can. AYSO will provide you with all the training for free. The only thing we ask for is your time and commitment. Contact the Regional Coach Administrator or the Regional Referee Administrator to learn more. If coaching or refereeing is not for you, there are other ways you can help. Talk to the Regional Commissioner or another board member about how you can help bring this quality soccer program to your community. You’ll be glad you did.

National Partners

Contact Us

San Bruno AYSO Region 249

PO Box 581 
San Bruno, California 94066

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 650-873-2976
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