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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

San Bruno AYSO Region 249

Referee Role

The referee is responsible for the conduct of all aspects of the game (not just the play on the field), and this includes the behavior of coaches and spectators. A referee may ask a coach to assist him/her in dealing with any issue arising from unacceptable behavior of the opposing coach, a parent, or other spectator.

Game Line-up Cards

Coaches pre-print all the cards for the season using the printing instructions and the card stock provided. Practice printing on regular paper before using card stock.

Please fill out your line-up cards in advance of the games. We have a very tight game schedule on all fields and the game cannot begin until the referee has the completed line-up cards. Games start and finish on schedule so advanced preparation avoids lost playing time.

  1. Include all players on your roster, even those you know to be injured, sick or absent for a game.
  2. Players should be listed in order of jersey number (left column), starting with #1, (not alphabetically or randomly). Write both the surname and forename.
  3. Mark against the appropriate name, any player who is not playing because of injury, sickness or absence (stating which reason).
  4. Mark against the appropriate name(s) - captain(s) with a 'C'.
  5. Do not forget to fill out all the details at the top of the card and the date, time and field under the roster listing.

The referee or assistant referee tracks the quarters that players sit out or play goalkeeper by marking the 'quarter box' with an 'X' against player(s) sitting our and a 'GK' for the goalkeeper. Leave the quarter boxes unmarked as your planned substitutions may change.

Pre-game Inspection

Players are required to wear the uniforms as supplied and without 'substitutions'. A referee may refuse to allow a player to participate in the game if this isn't adhered to.

No watches or jewelry of any kind (including pierced-ear studs) are permitted to be worn. Placing a bandage over a metal piercing does not make it 'safe' and is not permissible.

Hair bands are allowed if they are made of soft material (including elastic or rubber) - metal or plastic hair grips (of any size) must be removed. Sweatbands or bandannas are permitted to secure hair.

Soft, padded protective headgear may be permitted if correctly fitted, but this is at the discretion of the referee.

Shoes can be either regulation soccer cleats or suitable sneakers. Baseball cleats, metal cleats, or cleats with a protruding toe cleat are not allowed.

Shin guards must be worn (under the socks) at all practices as well as all games.

The goalkeeper should were a jersey of a distinctive color to both their team and the opposing team. Please keep a brightly colored 'pinny' in your coach's bag for quick fixes.

Coach and Spectator Positions

AYSO games are supposed to be safe, fun & fair and for the enjoyment of everyone involved – players, coaches, spectators & referees alike! In divisions U6 thru U8, the coaches stand on opposite sides of the field and the parents and other supporters of their team stand on the same side as the coaches. In Divisions U10 thru U19 parents and spectators stand on one side of the field and coaches and players on the other.

The coaches must remain within the technical area that extends 10 yards either side of the halfway line and stand at least 1 yard away from the touch line.

Spectators may stand/sit outside the touch line and between the penalty area markings and should remain at least 3 yards away from the touch line. This is important for spectator, player, and assistant referee safety and unobstructed play. Nobody is allowed to stand on the goal line or behind the goals. Coaches are responsible for 'policing' the spectators and should respond immediately to any request for assistance made by the referee or assistant referee.

Player Participation

No 'fit & able' player should be required to sit out for more than one quarter if there are other player(s) who would otherwise play for the entire game. Rotate the players who sit out for quarters from one game to the next rather than having some players always playing for the entire game - good players benefit from a rest too.

Coaches should have a 'game plan' for substitutions in advance of the game commencing (once they know who has turned up to the game) and not leave it until the time to make the substitutions before deciding who should come off the field.


Substitutions are made approximately mid-way through the first and second periods, at half time, and are optional in the event of an injury. The 'quarter' substitutions are called for by the referee during a normal stoppage of play; the timing of the game does not stop. Coaches should ensure that substitutions are expeditious to avoid unnecessary loss of playing time; plan substitutions in advance and have substitutes ready to enter the field of play. Players not being substituted should remain on the field of play. Coaches should not use substitution breaks or other stoppages in play to huddle players.


If a player receives an injury during an AYSO game or practice that requires a visit to a doctor or hospital, the coach must complete an AYSO Accident Report Form and this should be handed to the Division Coordinator at the earliest opportunity. A player who has sustained any injury must also obtain and present to the coach a Participation Release Form from the doctor before he/she can return to actively participating in any AYSO event - game or practice. This is the case whether the original injury occurred during an AYSO activity or elsewhere. Players shall not be allowed to practice or participate in any game if they are wearing any type of cast or splint. Removal of any type of cast or splint solely to gain participation is not permitted and can result in a player being disqualified from any further participation in AYSO activities.

Scores and Standings

Standings are not kept for U6 thru U8. For U10 through U14, standings are calculated according to: win = 6, tie = 3 & loss = 0 points. There is 1 additional point for each goal scored, up to a maximum of 3 goals. There is no extra point for a 'shutout'. Each Division Coordinator is responsible for tracking their division's standings.


If it is raining heavily, or has been overnight, the fields may be declared closed. Coaches should check or call the AYSO hotline (650) 873-AYSO (2976) after 7:00 am on the morning of play to find out which, if any, are closed. Coaches should then call all their players to let them know whether or not there will be play. Parents should not call the hotline themselves as this will lead to the line getting clogged; parents can also check the website. If rain starts during a game, the referee is responsible for determining whether it is safe for play to continue. Referees will normally allow play to continue unless there is an electrical storm, in which case play will be immediately stopped. Scheduled games in the 'regular season' that occur on days when no play is possible will not be made up. If some games are played and others have to be abandoned then an effort will be made by the Division Coordinator to reschedule the abandoned games. However, if this isn't possible, then the results from the games that were played on that day will not be included in the evaluation of the team standings. Every effort will be made to reschedule all Burlingame Cup games that cannot be played due to bad weather.

Hot Weather

It is very important that players remain hydrated when playing soccer in hot conditions. On such occasions, additional water breaks will be permitted during the two 'quarter' substitution periods. Players not being substituted should be provided water at the touchline and remain on the field of play. A player may come over to the touch line at any time to receive water. A player may come over to the coach touch line at any time to receive water. If a coach believes that a player is having difficulties with the heat they should immediately catch the attention of the referee or an assistant referee so that play can be halted while the player receives attention.

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Contact Us

San Bruno AYSO Region 249

PO Box 581 
San Bruno, California 94066

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 650-873-2976
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